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Meig (Upper & Lower)

Posted By Dàibhidh On 25 April, 2010 @ 5:07 pm In Trip Reports | No Comments

Ok, well today I went for a wee paddle up Strathconon with Kenny.

A nice potter down the Upper Meig on medium levels…no problems, no swims, no rolls and a nice blast through the bottom stopper to finish…

On the way home, I thought I’d take a wee nosey at the gorge section and spotted a couple of kayakers making their way down through the rocks and slides.

Managed to grab a few wee pics, but the light wasn’t very good and I was trying to keep the camera still while hanging off trees above the gorge!

Anyhow, I’ll defo make sure I get a run of this river before the close of the year; looked fantastic!

Article printed from Kayak Scotland | Caidheag Alba – Kayaking & Canoeing in the Scottish Highlands: http://kayakscotland.ruralaccent.com

URL to article: http://kayakscotland.ruralaccent.com/2010/04/meig-upper-lower/

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