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Orchy and Etive Weekend

Posted By Dàibhidh On 21 November, 2010 @ 9:06 pm In Trip Reports | No Comments

After months of anticipation, about 15 hardy Inverness Canoe Club paddlers headed off to Lochaber for a weekend of paddling on the Orchy and the Etive.

Day One: The Orchy… a cracking paddle. Fairly low, but great nontheless. A few features, like Easan Dubha (Black Waterfalls) were too low to run safely, but the rest was great craic!

Steve and Bryon, sorry, Bryon made Eas a’ Chathaidh (Waterfall of the Spray) look easy…Steve cartwheeled down the second part in style…epic!!

In between the two days we stayed at the Blackwater Bunkhouse in Kinlochleven…very much recommended, although sleeping in a room with Kenny, Dave and Stewart is not!! I’ve never heard snoring like it in my life…

Day Two: The Etive…well that was a different story…way too low to run, so we hit the Spean Gorge instead. It was a good, if not baltic paddle, but the disappointment of not running the mighty Etive was evident!!

Still, the Etive ain’t going anywhere and there’s always next year…

Article printed from Kayak Scotland | Caidheag Alba – Kayaking & Canoeing in the Scottish Highlands: http://kayakscotland.ruralaccent.com

URL to article: http://kayakscotland.ruralaccent.com/2010/11/orchy-and-etive-weekend/

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