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A New Logo for the SCA / Comharra Ùr airson an SCA
Posted By Dàibhidh On 2 December, 2011 @ 9:02 pm In Announcements | Comments Disabled
As some of you eagle-eyed Scottish paddlers may have noticed, a new bilingual logo has appeared on the Scottish Canoe Association website this week: www.canoescotland.org [1]
The SCA, like many organisations, has now adopted a bilingual logo in order to reflect the increasing use and visibility of Gaelic in Scotland and the fact that the language is intrinsically linked to the paddling world – you only have to look at the names of so many places, lochs, rivers and falls that we paddle in, under, past, over and around!
For someone like me, who’s a Gaelic learner, this is a very welcome and positive move; as they say in Gaelic, tha e math dhà-rìribh!
> An comharra ùr aig an Comann Curach na h-Alba.
Article printed from Kayak Scotland | Caidheag Alba – Kayaking & Canoeing in the Scottish Highlands: http://kayakscotland.ruralaccent.com
URL to article: http://kayakscotland.ruralaccent.com/2011/12/a-new-logo-for-the-sca-comharra-ur-airson-an-sca/
URLs in this post:
[1] www.canoescotland.org: http://www.canoescotland.org
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