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Upper Blackwater & Meig Gorge

Posted By Dàibhidh On 19 February, 2012 @ 9:06 pm In Trip Reports | No Comments

Chasing water yet again – what’s with this winter?!

So, in the hope of getting some form of paddle I headed to the Blackwater with Matt and Caz. Cold was the word of the day, oh, along with scrape!

We scraped down the river and ran most of the drops, but it didn’t really feel like a proper paddle; never wanting to be short-changed, we then headed up Strathconon and paddled the Meig Gorge.

Like the Blackwater, it was low and a scrape. Lines, well they were either tight or not really there – it really needs a Thursday compensation flow to be worthwile - but it was worth it for the simple reason that it was boating!

Article printed from Kayak Scotland | Caidheag Alba – Kayaking & Canoeing in the Scottish Highlands: http://kayakscotland.ruralaccent.com

URL to article: http://kayakscotland.ruralaccent.com/2012/02/upper-blackwater-meig-gorge/

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