High Sierra Safety – Upper Cherry Creek

If you’ve got a spare half an hour, grab yourself a coffee, get nice and comfy and check out this new paddling film from the USA. Great scenery, sound advice and awesome paddling!

High Sierra Safety (a full length film) from 7 Finger media on Vimeo.

Inverness Canoe Club’s first Coaches Development Day

Well, today I attended Inverness Canoe Club’s first annual coaches development day.

I didn’t know quite what to expect from the event, but it was well worth braving the snow for and I was pleasantly surprised! There was a good mix of river, sea and open boat coaches present and some really encouraging discussion for improving coaching within the club and reaching out to the membership.

The day was split up into sessions/workshops, with a number of coaches taking a lead on a variety of topics, including my good self who ran a session on the new(ish) UKCC Level 1 and Level 2 coaching awards. Inverness Canoe Club Logo

Matt, Margaret and Ron also covered Level 3, remits/terms of reference and club governance respectively; while in the afternoon we escape the cold sports hall venue and headed to the pool to focus on methods for teaching rolling, support strokes and moving sideways.

I, for one, learnt a great deal from the development day and I am really looking forward to this becoming an established annual event. Above all else, it provided an excellent opportunity for coaches from across all of the disciplines within the club to meet, share thoughts, knowledge and experience and to get to know each other better.

As part of my session, I prepared a written introduction to the Level 1 and 2 courses for folk to take away, read and share. It’s aimed as a guide to UKCC coaching scheme from the perspective of a recent graduate, and while it’s only a compilation of my personal opinions/observations, you can download a copy by clicking here.

You should, however, always refer to the official course documents for comprehensive, up-to-date and undisputable guidance…

UKCC Level 2 Flow Diagram

It’s Da Bomb (Flow)!

There are a lot of kayaking videos out there; some good, some bad…

Bomb Flow magazine definately some of the best, with excellent camera work and some sweet moves.

Here’s a wee taster:

Keep your eye’s peeled for more Bomb Flow videos here: www.bombflow.com